Kamagra Tablets (Sildenafil Citrate 100mg)

Supplied from Kamagra Now UK store

CURRENT BATCH EXPIRY DATE IS ( 2026) Updated on 07/10/2023

Best prices and Next Day delivery to all UK addresses.
We sell Kamagra Tablets and Kamagra jelly both containing the same amount of sildenafil citrate 100mg.
Kamagra tablets and jellies have been manufactured in India by Giant Ajanta Pharma.

How do I take Kamagra?

  • Kamagra should be taken an hour before sex on an empty stomach (consuming a meal with a high-fat content will make Kamagra act slower)
  • The effects of Kamagra last from four to five hours, and you should not take it unless you intend to have sex.
  • You should not drink more than one or two units of alcohol as this will make Kamagra less effective and increase the risk of side effects.
  • You should never take more than one Kamagra tablet at a time without consulting your doctor.
  • Kamagra should not be taken within 24 hours of taking Sildenafil, Cialis or Levitra.

Kamagra 100mg is potentially very dangerous if taken without a prescription.
What is perfectly safe and suitable for one person is not necessarily so for someone else.
There is a fatal reaction between ED tablets and nitrate medication, including GTN spray.
Do not buy ED medication from us if you have a GTN spray, tablets, patch, gel or cream or take nicorandil or any nitrate tablets (usually prescribed for heart conditions). You need to see your GP to discuss alternative options.

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